Monday, 19 April 2010

Visit your five wells

19th April 2010

Visiting the wells

At the beginning of this school year, September 2009, I attended an Inset day which was run by Jenny Mosley Consultancies. As well as discussing how to help the children become happier at school, she discussed how to help the teachers. She mentioned five ‘wells’ that every person should take note of and work on during the week. I remembered that during her talk, I found it made so much sense. As practicing yoga has recently changed my views of living, I thought I would revisit these five areas and work on how I can include them in my working week. I think the scheme could be very successful in helping everyone lead balanced lives, which is why I have decided to write about it today. These are the five areas and a brief explanation on them:

  • 1. Cognitive well – reading books, watching plays, debating, planning, etc
  • 2. Emotional well – fun time, friendship, family, love, expressing feelings, etc
  • 3. Creative well – senses, imagination, arts, write, sing, etc
  • 4. Physical well – exercise, relax, eat well and sleep well
  • 5. Spiritual well – religion, meditation, nature, etc

These ‘wells’ cover every part of our lives and if we make time for each of them during the week, I think our lives will be more stable, happier, more productive and more energetic.

Thinking about my week and my daily activities I think I am already pretty balanced:

  • · Gardening – emotional, creative, physical, spiritual
  • · Yoga – physical, spiritual, creative
  • · Read Novels – cognitive, emotional
  • · Write my blog – creative, cognitive, emotional
  • · Eat dinner with my partner – emotional, physical
  • · My job – cognitive, emotional, creative, physical
  • · Visit family - emotional

I am going to try and fit time into my week to work on each of these. I think I need to work on my cognitive, spiritual and creative wells. What wells do you need to work on to lead a more balanced and stable life?

Let me know your thoughts on this


1 comment:

  1. reading... i havent finished a book in a few months!
